Riquewihr, France: Belle Bonneville, 18, has been kidnapped by the Beast in exchange for her fathers freedom. Last night, Maurice Bonneville, 54, was on his way to the Inventors Convention when he was chased by wolves into a nearby castle. Belle went looking for him to find him being held hostage inside.
Investigators have confirmed that Bonneville is still alive and in good condition. Rescue workers have started their attempts to safely free her from the castle. Authorities also believe that Bonneville is being held by a man know as the Beast. We urge citizens to not go within 5 miles of the woods around the castle, as the Beast is very dangerous.
“I should’ve stayed! Belle had her whole life ahead of her, and I feel so bad that I couldn’t stop her. She would do anything for me, but we must get her out of that castle,” said Maurice, Belle’s father.” Many other citizens in Riquewihr are concerned for Belle’s safety. Gaston, a man who wants to marry Bonneville, stated, “It’s all her fathers fault. She should’ve left him there. Now, she’s stuck in the castle without anyone to save her.”
Authorities insist that Bonneville is okay, although they have not found a way to get her out yet. “Belle is such a strong, brilliant, girl, I know she’ll find some way to get out of there,” said Maurice. Others who personally know Bonneville tell us that she is a very resilient young woman and that she will be able to survive. People are told to stay calm as we work to get her free.