Lincoln Middle School has a new principal this school year, Mr. Cory! Mr. Cory has been working in education for 14 years. He was a high school math teacher for eight years and spent five of them working at Edwardsville High School. Cory also was an assistant principal at Dupo for three years. After Mr. Cory taught high school math, he was an assistant principal at Liberty for a couple of years.
While Mr. Cory was working at Edwardsville High School, he also coached football and basketball here at Lincoln Middle School. He got to know many of the teachers here by being a coach. This is one of the reasons he decided to teach at Lincoln. Cory says, “I felt like Lincoln needed someone to listen to their thoughts. That is one of the reasons I came here.”
In addition, Mr. Cory came so he could make the school better for his own children. Mr. Cory has a son at Woodland that will be coming to Lincoln in two years. He said that he wants to make the school better for his own kids too.
Not only does Mr. Cory enjoy his administration duties at Lincoln, but he also likes to interact with the students every day. Along with being focused on construction, he builds connections with people in the school. Mr. Cory hopes that Lincoln Middle School can be a place where everyone is welcomed and enjoys coming to learn every day. Cory states, “I’m really excited for this school year. I really do hope that we can make Lincoln as welcoming as possible.”